1 ABAMC Marcin Bardan

  • Accademia Belle Arti Macerata was my first choice university in the erasmus program. I really wanted to go to a smaller city, preferably in Italy. Since Comic Books are a huge part of my art passion I was very much interested in the comic book course and illustration course here in ABAMC. I knew from the start that the experience would probably be great, but it exceeded all my expectations! Not only I feel I grew as an artist exploring new territories such as calligraphy or directing and got better at things I love, comic book making and illustration, but things that really made it special were people I met during this 6 months stay in Macerata. I didn’t have a single bad experience when it came to interaction, everyone was always very friendly and helpful no matter a student or professor or someone I just met on the streets of the city, cafe or in the shop. Thanks to the erasmus program here in Macerata I was able to make friends and connections for life, from all over Europe and more. It was an amazing episode, one I will cherish and remember for a lifetime. I’d like to thank both erasmus offices and the people who made it possible for me to have this experience.
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    I.R.M. - Istituto di 
    Restauro Marche

    Sede Centrale
    P.zza V.Veneto, 5
    62100 Macerata
    T +39 0733 405150

    Sede Operativa
    Via Berardi, 6  
    T. +39 0733 405111

    Palazzo Torri
    Via Garibaldi, 77
    T. +39 0733 405141

    ex Magazzini Rossini
    Via Cincinelli, 6

    Istituto di Restauro Marche (I.R.M.)
    ex.conv. S.Giovanni
    T. +39 0733 405125

    P.zza V.Veneto, 5
    T. +39 0733 405145