DaaDgroup concorso grafica per un logo - concorso di grafica per studenti

Scade il 01/11/2016

DaaDgroup cerca tra gli studenti un logo per la eCAADe conference di Roma

consegna entro il 1 novembre 2016

Il DaaDgroup - Digital augmented architectural Design group lancia un concorso di idee aperto a studenti di tutto il mondo con l'obiettivo di creare un logo per la eCAADe conference - Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe che si svolgerà a Roma, presso l'Università La Sapienza, a settembre 2017.

Il logo dovrà riferirsi al tema della conferenza, "Shock! - Sharing of Computable Knowledge", reinterpretandolo in chiave innovativa e originale.

La consegna delle proposte dovrà essere effettuata entro e non oltre il 1 novembre 2016.

The DaaDgroup - Digital augmented architectural Design group - promotes activities and researches by means of the use of the most performative and innovative computer-related tools and methods in the fields of Architecture, Building and Construction.

To this end DaaDgroup disseminates CAAD values supporting an International Logo Contest related to the next eCAADe conference - Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe - and its spirit, open to all students from all over the world!

The Logo will be related to the main theme of the 35th International eCAADe Conference: "ShoCK!" - Sharing of Computable Knowledge - words that provide the keys to interpret the present and drive the future. The conference will take place in Rome at Sapienza University in 2017.

The contest pertains the logo for the 35th International eCAADe Conference "ShoCK!" which will take place in Rome at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering in 2017.

The logo must be inspired mainly by the theme of the Conference, by eCAADe's and Sapienza University's spirits.

The contest will award the three best CAAD-inspired Logos of students (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD's, or Specialization course) from all institutions all over the world! English is the official language of the Contest.

The Contest is open to all students (Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D.'s, or Specialization courses) worldwide.

All students may participate individually or in group without any limitation. Groups shall appoint a group leader as the only reference person to the organizer, for any relevant communication and for the prize.

Registration to the Contest entails:

    Visiting the Contest website;

    Downloading the Declaration of entitlement of copyright and read carefully the Contest Rules;

    Signing up your own account by clicking on Register button on the Registration page and following the Instructions;

    Paying the Contest fee;

    Uploading the following documents:
    - Signed Declaration of entitlement of copyright;
    - Identity card;
    - Copy of your student status condition;
    - Logo Image;
    - Logo Description.

The Contest fee is 20,00 € (twenty/00 euros) for each registration and cannot be refunded.

Multiple submissions of same student are admitted with different registrations.

By 1st November 2016 at 23:59, the files (logo and description) must be uploaded to the DaaDgroup website (www.daadgroup.org).

The Jury of the contest will select three winners that will receive a cash prize and three honourable mentions as follows:

    1st place, 1000,00 € (one thousand/00 euros);

    2nd place, 600,00 € (six hundred/00 euros);

    3rd place, 300,00 € (three hundred/00 euros);

    1st honourable mention;

    2nd honourable mention;

    3rd honourable mention.

The first place winner of the Contest will have the logo published, with student's credits, on Official Conference web pages and on conference publication.

The Awards Ceremony will take place on the last day of the 35th International eCAADe Conference. Participation in the Ceremony is not mandatory.

Declaration Student
more info

e-mail: contest-ecaade2017@uniroma1.it

For any support and Contest materials you can visit www.daadgroup.org

logo infopoint

Offerta formativa

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Restauro Marche

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P.zza V.Veneto, 5
62100 Macerata
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T. +39 0733 405111

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T. +39 0733 405141

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Via Cincinelli, 6

Istituto di Restauro Marche (I.R.M.)
ex.conv. S.Giovanni
T. +39 0733 405125

P.zza V.Veneto, 5
T. +39 0733 405145