Concorso internazionale CLAIRVOYANTS 2018 per un progetto di albo illustrato

Scade il 15/12/2018

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Scadenza: 15.12.2018

Concorso internazionale CLAIRVOYANTS 2018 per un progetto di albo illustrato

Dwie Siostry, Polish publishing house, invite worldwide artists to participate in the 3rd edition of the international competition for an illustrated children’s book project CLAIRVOYANTS 2018 – a contest aimed at authors, illustrators, graphic designers.

The direct aim of the competition is to launch the process of creating beautiful and valuable books for children as well as to discover the talented artists and children’s books authors and give them a chance to become known on the  international book market. The main prizes are 2500 euro and book publication.

The purpose of the competition is to prepare a project (draft) of an illustrated children’s book in Polish or in English language. Submitted works should include a script or a storyboard of the whole book, together with 3 finished double spreads and the cover. Participants need to be at least 18 years old.

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